George V (1865-1936), king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and emperor…

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George V (1865-1936), king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and emperor of India (1910-1936), of the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (later changed to Windsor). George was born in London on June 3, 1865, the second son of Edward VII. Known as the Sailor Prince, he entered the Royal Navy in 1877 and during an active career rose to the rank of vice admiral in 1903.

The death in 1892 of his elder brother, Albert Victor, duke of Clarence, made George second in line to the succession. He married his brother's fiancé, Princess Victoria Mary of Teck, later Mary, queen consort of England, and was created duke of York in 1892. After his father succeeded Queen Victoria in 1901, George became Prince of Wales and succeeded to the throne upon his father's death in 1910.

Six children were born to George and Mary: Edward Albert, later Edward VIII; Albert Frederick George, later George VI; Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary; Henry William Frederick Albert, duke of Gloucester; George Edward Alexander Edmund, duke of Kent; and John Charles Francis. The most notable event of the reign of George V was World War I. Following England's declaration of war on Germany, the king renounced all the German titles belonging to him and his family and changed the name of the royal house to Windsor.

He died at Sandringham House, Norfolk, on January 20, 1936. He was succeeded by Edward VIII.

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